As a 20-year Army Soldier and Human Resources leader, I have a demonstrated history of using innovation and collaboration to generate impact. I am skilled in Military Operational Planning, Human Resources, Leadership Development, Engineering Psychology, Research, and Higher Education. As a senior officer, I strive to lead in the spaces that intersect the human dimension with psychology. I am a results-driven professional with a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Clinical Psychology from a multicultural-focused program at Jackson State University.
As a 2017 Tillman Military Scholar, I proudly represent the Pat Tillman Foundation. I have been blessed to be able to use my personal academic endeavors in my professional life, while serving on the DoD Independent Review Commission on Sexual Assault in the Military and the Army Recruiting & Retention Task Force. My dissertation research examined the relationship between cultural aspects of grief therapy and clinicians’ ability to provide grief interventions for diverse populations. I have always been passionate about working hard and giving back. On to the next chapter of service!

I believe in family, community, and innovation. I am a staunch supporter of efforts to help recruit the next generation of Army leaders. I have found true stories of joy and resilience in the mountains of Haiti while serving with A Door to Hope. I have found sisterhood in Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. I am building new, unique ways to support veterans through Brogans and the forthcoming "Onyx Unlimited" wellness brand. I look forward to seeing these efforts generate results - I aim to bring more light into the world.

I am a Co-Founder of Do More Together, the West Point Association of Graduates Black & African American Alumni Organization, an alumni supporter of the USMA Cadet Gospel Choir, and a longtime member of The ROCKS, Inc. Selection as a 2017 Pat Tillman Foundation Military Scholar and recognition as the 2022 recipient of the Make Your Mark Award has given me even more opportunities to put my values into action with a community of fellow scholars and veterans. If you are looking for an opportunity like no other, apply!

Tillman Honors 2022

Clinicians' perceptions of the cultural factors of grief and grief support self-efficacy
Bryman Williams, Ph.D. (Co-Chair)
Theresa Kearns-Cooper, Psy.D. (Co-Chair)
Jackson State University
Grief is just as complicated as the human experience...
grief is the umbrella that protects us from the pain of our love...
grief is a process for some, a destination for others...
grief is culture.
Bell, B., Bonner, J., Norzagaray, A., & Ramsey, M. (2019). Jackson State University Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program Externship Handbook. Jackson State University, Jackson, MS.
Nosen, E., Blunt, C., Bell, B., & Omelian, S. (2019, May). Prolonged Exposure within Residential PTSD Treatment Programs: Virtual Reality and Other Innovative Strategies to Improve Treatment Access, Engagement and Efficacy. Poster presented at the Department of Veterans Affairs MH RRTP National Conference, Orlando, FL.
Shattuck, L., Smith, D., Bell, B., & Rowan, C. (2018). Decision Making Chapter. In D. Smith & J. Swain, West Point Leadership (PL300). Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership, United States Military Academy, West Point, NY.
Ness, J. & Bell, B. (2015). Naturalistic Decision Making, Risk Management, & Leadership, Conference Proceedings, International Conference on Naturalistic Decision Making ‘15, McLean, VA.
Bell, B. (2013). A Human Systems Integration Analysis of the US Army Suicide Prevention Program, Master’s Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA.
Clinical Experience
Doctoral Intern, Georgia Regional Hospital - Atlanta, Decatur, GA | 2020 - 2021
Serves as a 12-month Intern under the APA-accredited APPIC internship program for the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD), the state agency "that focuses solely on policies, programs, and services for people with severe persistent mental illness, substance use disorders, and developmental and intellectual disabilities." Currently completing a 6-month Forensics rotation, followed by a 6-month Adult Mental Health rotation.
Doctoral Extern, Killebrew Psychological Services, Ridgeland, MS | 2018 - 2019
Served as Extern under the supervision of Dr. Alyssa Killebrew, PhD, LPC, LPC-S. Provided individual counseling, coaching calls, family counseling, pre-surgical screenings, and cognitive/psychological testing for a diverse population of clients within the Jackson, MS area. Led weekly group skills training with Dialectical Behavior Therapy protocols.
JSU Clinical Psychology Program Assessment Team, Jackson State University, Jackson, MS | 2018
Assisted graduate students with the administration of cognitive assessments such as the WAIS-IV, WISC-V, WPPSI-IV, WIAT-III, WRAT-V, and WASI-II. This included the following: 1) critiquing their test administration performance; 2) consulting with the Director of Clinical Training for the Cognitive Assessment course; 3) providing assistance with integrative report writing; and 4) fulfilling any related requests by the Director of Clinical Training.
Doctoral Trainee, Applied Psychological Services Clinic, Jackson State University, Jackson, MS | 2017 - 2018
Provided individual counseling and cognitive/psychological testing for a diverse population of JSU students and community clients. Conducted youth psychological assessments for the Jackson Child and Welfare Services as a part of pre-adoption screening.
Student Research Assistant, Trauma Recovery Program, G.V. Sonny Montgomery VAMC, Jackson, MS | 2017 - 2019
Completed information gathering, document preparation, and data entry for research efforts in the Trauma Recovery Program under the supervision of Dr. Elizabeth Nosen, PhD. Specifically completed a study entitled Avoidance, Hypervigilance, and Motivation as Predictors of Attrition for Veterans Completing a Residential PTSD Treatment Program as Pre-Dissertation Research Project. Assisted with preparation for the TRP’s use of the Bravemind virtual reality exposure therapy system.
Service Journey

Director of Human Resources (G-1)
Army Counterintelligence Command
Fort Meade, MD
Developed, managed, and executed full spectrum HR operations for a globally responsive unit responsible for strategic CI priorities. Worked with higher headquarters and Department of the Army entities to address the intricacies of the unit's implementation of IPPS-A during multiple force management transformations.
Identified as "#1 staff officer" who demonstrated superior potential leading a G1 team that provided first class support to over 1200" for the Army's newest one-star command.
Executive Officer
Army Recruiting & Retention Task Force (ARTF)
Crystal City/Pentagon
Served as personal Executive Assistant to the Director, ARTF, who was responsible for the execution of Secretary of the Army priorities addressing the Recruiting enterprise transformation.
Supported the DMPM Officer Retention Branch.
2016 - 2019
Chief of Staff & Assistant Professor of Military Science
Jackson State University
Jackson, MS
Provided oversight of staff operations, assistance with teaching duties, and coordinating support for 150 Cadets in 8 universities in the 6th Brigade, US Army Cadet Command. Additional responsibilities included Logistics Officer, Public Affairs Officer.
Identified as “a top 1% officer, a standout visionary whose mental agility and judgment surpasses her peers; an absolute must for battalion command.”
2013 - 2016
Assistant Professor & Course Director
West Point, NY
Taught 270 West Point Cadets in General Psychology for Leaders, Experimental Psychology, and Anthropometry & Biomechanics in the Department of Behavioral Sciences & Leadership in order to educate, train, and inspire future leaders of character and US Army Officers. Served as Department Personnel Officer and Chief of Staff for the McDonald Cadet Leadership Conference involving 23 countries and 57 institutions.
Ranked in the top 3 of rotating faculty peers due to “outstanding teaching practice and curriculum enhancement and innovative leadership in the areas of resilience, trust, and cohesion; must select for early promotion.”
2008 - 2011
Company Commander
HHC, US Army Garrison
Fort Myer, VA &
Fort McNair, DC
Held command authority and responsibility over the second largest company in the US Army. Served 240 assigned and 1200 attached Soldiers and their Families across 18 organizations within the Military District of Washington.
Lauded as “expert in the field who excelled at integrating human resources and Soldier support services, in the top 5% of all officers [served with] in 21 years.”
Aide-de-Camp, TAG
US Army Human Resources Command
Alexandria, VA
Fort Knox, KY
Served as the personal and administrative assistant to The 64th Adjutant General of the US Army, who simultaneously served as the Commanding General, US Army Physical Disability Agency and Executive Director, Military Postal Service Agency.
Provided “brilliant performance” supporting more than 30 TDY missions and identified as “best Captain in 30 years.”
2004 -2008
Assistant Brigade Human Resources Officer, 108th ADA Brigade (ABN), Fort Bliss, TX
Assistant coordinator for human resources support in a 2000-Soldier Air Defense Artillery Brigade organic to the XVIII Airborne Corps.
Assessed as “hard-charging officer with positive attitude and focus on mission accomplishment.
Battalion Human Resources Officer
Special Troops Battalion,
4th Brigade Combat Team
1st Cavalry Division
Fort Bliss, TX
Responsible for all human resources operations for a 650-Soldier Task Force of a heavy Brigade Combat Team in the 1st Cavalry Division, both in garrison and deployed for 14 months to Operation Iraqi Freedom 06-08 in Mosul, Iraq.
Led team to produce “best administrative and personnel management in the brigade” and identified as “best HR officer in 20 years” by the commander.

"It is the mind that makes the body."